Daily quiz
Test your knowledge and learn something along the way! Complete a one-question quiz and earn ekopoints.
Fort McMurray
As of May 2016, how many people were forced to evacuate Fort McMurray, in Alberta, where a huge fire destroyed most of the city?
Children and Hunger
Of the 850,000 Canadians who are assisted by food banks each month, how many are children and youth?
Mindfulness Meditation
What are the best conditions for a “mindfulness” meditation session?
Responsible Investment
How does the performance level of Responsible Investments compare to traditional investments?
Music and Mood
Does listening to enjoyable music release a mood-enhancing chemical in the brain?
Summer and Expenses
What percentage of Canadians will use their credit cards or dip into savings to cover summer expenses?
Social Interaction and Cognitive Performance
How many minutes of positive social interaction improves cognitive performance?
Exercise and Mood
How many minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day helps improve your mood and level of happiness?
Fathers and Kid’s Development
How do fathers help teach kids to control their bodies and emotions?
Gardening Therapy
What is one of the principal benefits of gardening therapy?
Mother’s Day
Where did the first celebrations of Mother’s Day originate?